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Christine Murphy Peck is the CEO of the International Association of Accessibility Professionals IAAP Website. Her Areas of Expertise are: Nonprofit management; Certification Management; Education Strategy Development; Facilitation; Strategic Planning; and eLearning
The accessibility field is rapidly evolving yet there has been no coordinated pursuit of accessibility as a formal profession. Everyone is self-taught and struggling to keep up with new technologies, new regulations and laws, and there’s no consistent global approach. IAAP’s mission is to create a global community to share best practices and facilitate a shared view of accessibility including establishing an accepted base of knowledge accessibility professionals should possess at every level (entry through experienced professionals) and helping to create a career pathway for accessibility professionals. This in turn will ultimately foster the development of higher quality technology, products and services to benefit users with disabilities.
Christine has 30 years of experience in nonprofit management, certification management, education strategy development, corporate education and facilitation and strategic planning. She Leads the SmithBucklin Washington DC team responsible for implementing educational strategy, program design and delivery, eLearning, certification and accreditation, with a focus on outcomes and client growth
Christine Founded Peck Performance Group, a consulting practice serving clients in the areas of education, training and organizational development, and served as president and chief learning officer.
Christine Worked extensively with nonprofit organizations, including start-ups and turnarounds, helping these organizations develop to their full potential while managing multiple projects with combined budgets of more than $20 million
She holds a bachelor’s degree in French from College of St. Benedict in St. Joseph, Minn. and is certified to administer the Myers – Briggs Type Indicator©, the DiSC and is a DDI Certified Facilitator.