
AXSChat about Accessibility is hosted by Neil Milliken, Debra Ruh and Antonio Santos.

We’re an open online community of individuals dedicated to creating an inclusive world; we believe that accessibility is for everyone.

Social media has great power to connect people and we hope to accomplish and encourage in-depth discussion and spread knowledge about the work people are doing to enable greater access and inclusion through whatever means.

We host weekly video interviews and twitter chats with people who are contributing to making the world a more inclusive place through technology or innovating to enable wider participation in society for people with disabilities.

The topics will be wide-ranging and we want to encourage discussion and ensure everyone has a voice on social media so we encourage you to take part by tweeting and using the hashtag #axschat

You can always view previous chats via our archive.

We are grateful for the support of our sponsors Amazon – thanks for your allyship and work on accessibility.

Ground Rules

We are a global community and the written word can be misinterpreted so:

  • Be respectful.
  • Be courteous.
  • Be part of something bigger than yourself.

Everyone makes mistakes once in a while and has errors in judgment.

With that in mind we are adopting the three strikes you’re out guideline.

Support Us

Whilst the team give freely of their time to run #AXSChat it costs money to keep it running, we pay for technology, admin support, editing tools, hosting and podcast distribution on a weekly basis. We are thankful for the support of our current sponsors but are actively seeking additional support to help with the long term sustainability of #AXSChat and our archive of over 400 interviews – reach out to Neil for details.

Individuals in our community can support #AXSChat via GoFundMe 

We recognise that many people in our wide disability community have very little money so do not wish to pressure anyone into making donations that they cannot afford but would encourage everyone to share the link and raise awareness so that we can raise funds and continue to deliver #AXSChat to the community for free.