Professor Amanda Kirby is unusual, as she is a General Practitioner, experienced researcher, clinician and most importantly a parent of a neurodiverse adult and has many family members who are neurodiverse.This provides her with an understanding of neurodiversity and co-occurrence from differing perspectives and a drive to raise awareness and champion best practices.
More than 20 years ago she set up The Dyscovery Centre, an interdisciplinary centre of health and educational professionals because of her personal experiences. She is a professor at the University of South Wales and lectured to more than 100,000 individuals worldwide, written over 100 research papers and 9 books which have been translated into more than 5 languages. Her books include: ‘How to Succeed in Employment with Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Autism and ADHD’ and How to Succeed in College and University with Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Autism and ADHD’.
Amanda has been an advisor to the Department of Works and Pensions on neurodiversity( and is the chair of Movement Matters (the UK umbrella organization for DCD/Dyspraxia). She also is an advisor to a number of organisations supporting people with Autism Spectrum Disorder, ADHD, Dyslexia and DCD in the UK and New Zealand.
Amanda is now the CEO of Do-IT Solutions, a tech-for-good company. They have developed a unique person-centered computer profiling system used to help map strengths and challenges and used in schools, universities, apprenticeships, colleges, employment, offending and into-work settings in the UK and internationally( She recently launched the ND App to help adults to gain practical guidance to maximise their talents and minimize challenges. The company has been recognized with a number of accolades including finalist at ‘Pitch at the Palace’, One of Wales ‘Digital Dozen’, and winner of the Urban Challenge, and most recently won a Barclays award for social entrepreneur.
LinkedIn: profamandakirby
Amanda Kirby