Susanna Laurin Talks About European Accessibility Legislation

Headshot of Susanna Laurin
Susanna Laurin

Awaiting Quality Captions

Susanna Returns to AXSChat to discuss European Accessibility Standards and legislation.

Susanna Laurin has a long experience in working with disability-related issues at senior management level, for instance as CEO of one of the subsidiaries of the Swedish Association of the Visually Impaired’s corporate group IRIS, and the Swedish Independent Living Institute. She is a frequent international lecturer and debater, and she serves on some program committees for conferences in the field of accessibility.

At Funka she takes responsibility for major and international assignments, among other for the European Commission, for which Funka at the moment are developing the measuring methodology to be used by the member states if and when the proposed Web Directive will come into action, as well as a number of assignments for the different national governments. Susanna also works on Funka’s internal methodology and quality work and is in responsible for Funka’s close cooperation with end user organisations.

Susanna is a member of the board of the International Association of Accessibility Professionals, IAAP, a global group that was co-founded by Funka, and she is also a fellow of the Swedish government’s forum for usability and accessibility in ICT. She is an expert and advisor, both for Swedish Standards Institute and Standards Norway, and furthermore served as technical expert for Mandate 376, that on behalf of the EC developed harmonised requirements for accessibility in public procurement in all EU member states. Susanna was moreover responsible for the authorised translation of WCAG 2.0 into Swedish that Funka carried out on behalf of W3C.

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