Sulaiman Khan

Disabled/Wild/Hot AF Exploratory Storyteller and Adventurer. Creating relationships, stories, and magic. A Continual WIP.

Sulaiman is an independent consultant, speaker, and writer on Divergent Leadership, Creativity, and Equitability (characterised by equity or fairness; just and right; fair; reasonable: equitable treatment of all citizens). The igniter of hearts creatively, a disabled wheelchair user exploratory storyteller and adventurer, he loves to create relationships, stories, and magic. Also, Sulaiman is the award-winning Founder and Chief Purpose Officer of ThisAbility Limited, which is a disability-led equity business.

Deeply invested in working towards disability justice and disability solidarity, he works tirelessly to destabilise the accepted narratives of creativity and disability, changing the culture to make equity the default via disabled creativity. And Sulaiman is an active intersectional ally-in-progress and a continual work-in-progress too, relentlessly and unapologetically.
