For the last fifteen years, Sheri Byrne-Haber has worked with individuals with disabilities to achieve equal access and reduce barriers to services. As VMware’s Head of Accessibility, Sheri works with the full-lifecycle of accessibility needs from product conception to obsolescence for a Fortune 200 company. Prior to VMware, Ms. Byrne-Haber implemented accessibility policies and programs for numerous organizations including McDonald’s, Kaiser, Peapod, H&R Block, the County of Marin, and the Social Security Administration. Ms Byrne-Haber brings a multi-dimensional approach to accessibility, with degrees in Computer Science, Business, and Law and being a wheelchair user from childhood and having also raised a deaf daughter. Ms. Byrne-Haber is a frequent accessibility and disability conference speaker and a prolific blogger who was recently introduced at a large conference as a person “who had run out of Fs to give about excuses for inaccessibility”
Sheri Byrne-Haber