Ruth is a psychotherapist and clinical psychologist who was trained and worked in Argentina and the U.K. Her professional practice uses a problem-solving approach to support people as they learn to cope with their difficulties. She is committed to supporting children, teens and adults with dyslexia, advising educational and health professionals, and advocating for broad knowledge of learning disabilities.
Her works focuses on finding hidden strengths and talents in people with dyslexia and on using technology to empower them, enabling them to “do the same things in a different way.”
Co-author with Liliana Fonseca of the online free course “Inclusive Education Resources. Dyslexia: From the classroom to the workplace” , with + 45.000 subscriptions (supported by the Argentinean National Ministry of Education and Samsung), and author of the online free course “Accessibility and Inclusive Technologies – with focus on reading, written expression and comprehension of texts, (forthcoming, with the support of Microsoft).
The current challenge Ruth is embracing is to raise awareness on how the working world could benefit from dyslexic people talents and innovative way of thinking.
Ruth Rozensztejn