Robert Neuhauser about himself…
I’m deeply rooted in a strong science background – however I am captured by responsibly shaping powerful technologies, leading complex organizations, developing successful global businesses and enabling exceptional talent to grow. And while doing this, I’m always looking for the powerful, simple, universal guiding principles that make all this work effectively.
Throughout my career, developed quite an unusual blend of leadership experiences. I served as a CEO of large global businesses, as a COO in the healthcare industry, and (currently) as Siemens’ Global Head of People and Leadership, helping to transform one of the largest and most innovative corporations worldwide. I led the turnaround of large global ‘crisis’-projects, initiated and completed large scale operational lean- and agile-transformations, and was leading German-Chinese high-tech joint ventures. Sometimes even in parallel.
And still, many of my colleagues believe, that – deep in my heart – I genuinely enjoy the few days when I’m able to “talk technology” on eye-level with our customers or our fantastic manufacturing-, sales- or R&D-experts worldwide … and indeed I do!
I wouldn’t want to work for a company that wasn’t disrupting. Permanently, globally, successfully. So I enjoy being with Siemens advocating and driving diversity, fast learning and effective development. In a rapidly changing technological, business and societal environment, organizations should never be caught standing still. So I use all my combined strategic, technological, people and leadership skills to help us to transform and innovate – without losing our people.
Robert Neuhauser