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We apologize for the poor quality of the Audio but are proud to share Nabil’s work.
Nabil Eid has a successful record of accomplishment and experience in (ICT) and Assistive Technology (AT) for Persons with Disabilities. Over 20 years of research experience in various programs involving user centered experiments and focusing especially on ICT Accessibility and ICT training and programs for disabilities, building and managing of accessible centers for students with disabilities, regional plan and networking for different types of disability.
He has served as a consultant on Assistive Technology and ICT accessibility for disabilities in fields of eLearning, Inclusion, capacity building and combating poverty, social regulation of ICT and expert on promoting employment for PWDs.
He has served at the National, Regional and Global ICT and AT strategic to connect people with disabilities to ICT to make life easier, smarter and better.
He also contributed in many international initiatives such as ICT accessibility expert in preparing report by the Broadband Commission for Digital Development, (The ICT Opportunity for a Disability-Inclusive Development Framework) to a set of indicators to help measure progress towards the achievement of a disability-inclusive post-2015 development agenda and framework.
Currently, he is working as a consultant with ITU Arab Regional Office for preparing a manual on Accessibility for PWDs in attending meetings and events.
Nabil is also working as a regional community coordinator for the Middle East and North Africa – MENA region at Telecentre Foundation