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Mirko is Co Founder and CEO of digital worx, a mobile Software Developing Company.
In 1998 he founded his first company in the technology sector. Since 2017 he is technical lead Advisor at Blackpin Secure Communication, Lead Architect at building the Agriculture IoT Platform Large Scale Demonstrator of KATANA project under HORIZON 2020 and Member of the advisory board of DigitCode a company focussing the improvement of reliable communication in the Internet of Things.
Since 2012 he teaches Web Engineering and mobile Software Development at Heilbronn University. Mirko is involved in public and private research activities for open standards and disruptive business models in the Internet of Things. He is member of the Internet Of Things Council, a worldwide IoT think tank. Also he contributed to AIOTI – Alliance for Internet of Things Innovation Working Group 7 in the field of Wearables and LINUX working group for interoperability at LISOG – Linux Solution Group (now Open Source Business Alliance).
As part of the European Commission’s Future Internet program he supports and builds start ups in the fields of eHealth and industrial IoT. In this function Mirko is coaching SME and Startups in the European SME Instrument and FI-Business Program.
Since 2017 Mirko is a member of the IoT Security Expert Group of the European Agency of Network and Information Security ENISA. And Mirko is project coordinator of the digital health research project MITASSIST. He is am Member of the IOTA Evangelist Network (IEN) to promote Blockchain and Distributed Ledger technologies.
Mirko is a well-practiced international speaker and coach on the field of Open Innovation, Internet of Things, IoT Security and disruptive business modeling.