Michael Morris Director of National Disability Institute (NDI)

Michael Morris Director Of National Disability Institute

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Michael Morris is the Director of National Disability Institute (NDI). He has over 30 years of experience in and outside of government pioneering new strategies to improve the lives of people with disabilities. Michael serves as an advisor and technical expert to multiple federal agencies on policy and systems relationships at federal, state, and local levels to advance economic stability, mobility and asset development for persons with disabilities.

In 1981, Michael was named the first Joseph P. Kennedy Fellow in Public Policy and came to Washington, DC to work in the Office of Connecticut Senator Lowell Weicker, as legal counsel to the United States Senate Subcommittee on the Handicapped. Michael also served subsequently as counsel to the U.S. Senate Small Business Committee. From Capitol Hill, Michael went to work at United Cerebral Palsy Association as the first director of government relations, then as director of community services and finally as national executive director. During his 14-year tenure, his leadership put a focus on needed assistive technology and its essential role in accommodating people with disabilities in the areas of employment, education, communications and daily living. In 2001, he helped establish NDI to advance the social and economic independence of persons with disabilities through strategic investment and technical assistance activities nationwide that bring together government, corporations, foundations and community and faith-based organizations.

Michael received his undergraduate degree with honors in Political Science from Case Western University in Cleveland, Ohio and his law degree from Emory University School of Law in Atlanta, Georgia. When not busy leading NDI, Michael loves to play tennis and creative writing.

About NDI

National Disability Institute (NDI) is a national nonprofit organization dedicated to building a better economic future for people with disabilities. The first national organization committed exclusively to championing economic empowerment, financial education, asset development and financial stability for all persons with disabilities, NDI affects change through public education, policy development, training, technical assistance and innovative initiatives. NDI and its Real Economic Impact (REI) Network have helped 2.8 million people with disabilities receive more than $2.7 billion in tax refunds and credits. To learn more, visit www.realeconomicimpact.org. Engage with NDI on Facebook: RealEconImpact or follow NDI on Twitter: @RealEconImpact.