Max is a DeafBlind, Disabled, and Genderqueer scientist working in the field of nanomedicine. They graduated from Nottingham Trent University in 2018 with a BSc and an MRes in Pharmacology. Due to their disabilities and the global Covid-19 pandemic, they experienced an extended period of unemployment. During this time, they started a YouTube channel to shine a light on their disabilities, including their rarest condition: cold urticaria. In 2022, they got their first job in the STEM field as a cell line engineer. In this role, they launched their company’s global disability employee resource group, which enabled disabled staff members to find community, seek support where needed, and feel empowered. At the end of 2023, they took on a new role as a senior research associate with a nanomedicine company, where they are thriving. Max has been an LGBTQ+ advocate since they came out 14 years ago, and disability advocacy followed in their late teens. They have worked with charities across the UK to highlight and celebrate the intersection of queerness and disability, earning them Person Of The Year 2022 from the UK’s leading DeafBlindness charity: Sense.