Maisa Obeid -certified international accessibility specialist (CPACC) and a certified Assistive Technology Professional

Maisa Obeid
Maisa Obeid

Maisa Obeid is a certified international accessibility specialist (CPACC) and a certified Assistive Technology Professional with more than a decade’s experience in accessibility and inclusivity.

Maisa currently manages the accessibility programme at Expo City Dubai, ensuring the city’s infrastructure, services and resources are universally accessible. Supporting the advancement of the right to digital access for persons with disabilities, she is also the UAE Country Representative for G3ict – the Global Initiative for Inclusive Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) – an advocacy initiative of the UN Global Alliance for ICT and Development, in cooperation with the Secretariat for the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities at the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs.

A trained optometrist, Maisa’s career is rooted in her healthcare background, from which she grew into a low vision and vision rehabilitation specialist and broadened into all areas of accessibility and inclusivity.

A doctoral candidate in E-Research and Technology Enhanced Learning at Lancaster University, Maisa has a master’s and bachelor’s degree in optometry from German Jordanian University and Jordan University of Science and Technology respectively.   

All interview with Maisa: