Katherine, in her role as CEO, works with the board directors to develop and implement strategies and programs that further the aims and objectives of BATA, to campaign for the rights and interests of those people who need or use AT, and to continue delivering value for BATA’s members.
Katherine has 15 years experience in the political engagement and policy, international development and the assistive technology sector, and alongside being CEO at BATA, Katherine is a Consultant aiding NGOs, charities, businesses and international organisations to make progress for people with disabilities and underrepresented groups.
Prior to consultancy, Katherine worked at GDI Hub where she managed half of AT2030, a £40 million match-funded programme designed to learn what works to get assistive technology to those that need it around the world. In 2021, Katherine became Lead for Advocacy and Strategic Communications.
Before her time at GDI Hub, Katherine worked at European level as Google Fellow with the European Disability Forum, and later, the European Expert Group on Deinstitutionalisation.
In the UK, Katherine set up and managed the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Assistive Technology, an organisation that BATA is involved with to this day. Katherine is based in Antwerp, Belgium.