Frances West is an internationally recognized thought leader, speaker, strategy advisor, and women-intechnology trailblazer known for her work in innovation, technology, and business transformation. She is the founder of FrancesWestCo, a global s t r a t e g y a d v i s o r y c omp a n y f o c u s e d o n operationalizing inclusion as a business and technology imperative through her unique Authentic Inclusion™ blueprint. Her insightful and impactful approach comes from her experience as a global executive in sales, marketing, business development, and research, as well as her groundbreaking work in accessibility as IBM’s first Chief Accessibility Officer. Frances brings a valuable business perspective to this human-centric initiative. She has delivered keynote remarks at policy forums hosted by the United Nations, Department of Labor and at global IT conferences such as Mobile World Congress, Consumer Electronics Show and SXSW. Her work and interviews have been cited in the Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Huffington Post, IT Magazine, Big Think, Le Monde, BBC News and China Daily. Frances was born in Taiwan and educated in Hong Kong and the US. She is married with two adult sons and currently resides in Newton, Massachusetts.
Frances West