Frances West – CAO (Chief Accessibility Officer) at IBM

Frances West - IBM CAO

YouTube Video – Captions Available.

An audio only version is also available on Soundcloud.

Follow Frances on Twitter using her Twitter handle:@fwest34

Frances is Chief Accessibility Officer at IBM. In this role, she works to establish IT accessibility standards, shape government policies, and develop human-centric technology and industry solutions that not only create an inclusive workplace environment but are designed to personalize the user experience so that all people reach their highest potential in work and life.
In addition to advising clients on best practices in accessibility, Frances ensures IBM is placing accessibility at the center of design and development to improve everyone’s information consumption patterns, including people with disabilities, the aging population, novice technology users, people with language, learning and literacy challenges, or any individual facing situational challenges while using a device.

Frances is a globally-recognized expert in enabling human ability through accessible information and communications technology (ICT). She regularly speaks at policy forums, recently testified on behalf of the IT industry to the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, and currently sits on the Board of Directors of the World Institute on Disability, is the board advisor to the National Business & Disability Council, and is a Founding Member and Program Co-Chair of G3ict, an advocacy initiative launched by the United Nations Global Alliance for ICT and development in 2006.