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Aindre Reece-Sheerin, he is a native Irishman from Donegal/Derry the far North West of Ireland believes in the good in everyone.
Aindre lived through the fighting in the North of Ireland and even marched at the tender age of 11 seeking one person one vote and an end to discrimination on the basis of religious doctrine.
He studied at University and private Music school as a Mature Student and hold two first class degrees one in Humanities with French and a Performers Degree equivalent,
Aindre is an avid performer, teacher and one who loves to move people through the mediums of the spoken word and singing, he sings in nine languages.
Aindre believes in what he calls the ‘Domino Principal’ in relation to Access and Accessibility. He uses different language to many others in relation to Disabled People.
Aindre acquired a mobility impairment following a Road Traffic Accident some 20 years ago. He studied and became the first person in the United Kingdom to go through the National Register Certification to be able to consult on Access and Accessibility.
Aindre was assistant Director of one of the largest and most forward thinking companies employing and working with Disabled People, Rights for Disabled People including County Councils and Local Government.
Aindre is back on the stage and over the last few years has been performing, teaching and recording as well as writing.
Aindre is a believer in the simplest aspects on Inclusion and Corporate Social Responsibility and is a doer as well as an ideas person.
Aindre has concerns over how the recession has demonstrated that Disabled People are again the focus of the negative especially when it comes to Cost Cutting exercises.
In 2008 helped in the set up the now named Guernsey Disability Alliance and is an active participant working with both Local Disabled Persons’ Charities and the Government Deputies and their respective departments Informing and Educating Managers and Policy makers as to aspects of Inclusion.
Aindre’s hope is to educate people that Equality is not something that one or other section of the community has Domain over. Aindre is also a “realist” and
One of his Mantras is, ‘If you are trying to be all things to all people, all of the time, switch off the light on your way out as you have already failed.”