YouTube video – Captions are available.
Neil & Antonio chat with Dr Abi James
Abi James is a researcher and consultant on how technology can help overcome dyslexia, special educational needs and disabilities. Diagnosed with dyslexia at the age of 9, Abi used computers and technology throughout her education to enable her to successfully complete her PhD and achieve in the workplace. Over the past decade she has led a number of projects to develop, deploy and evaluated how both mainstream and assistive technology removes barriers to learning. Now working as consultant, Abi frequently presents to conferences, and contributes to articles and papers on the latest technology developments. Abi chairs the British Dyslexia Association New Technologies Committee(BDA NTC) and is a Visiting Research Fellow with the Accessibility Group at the University of Southampton. She is also project managing the SBRI (Small Business Research Innovation grant)funded STEMReader Project, the STEMReader website has just been launched to coincide with the BETT Show.
Topics covered were the work of the BDA NTC, Accessible exams and assessments in school college and in the workplace and the work being undertaken to make STEM (Science Technology Engineering & Maths) more accessible.