Atif Choudhury – CEO, Diversity & Ability (DnA)

Atif Choudhury
Atif Choudhury

“Ordinary has nothing extra” is a phrase that Atif likes and one that explains him best. Co-founder of two very different social enterprises, Diversity and Ability (DnA) and Zaytoun CiC, Atif’s background is in economic justice and disability inclusion.

Drawing on his personal experience of dyslexia, Atif forged his path in the field of assistive technology starting as a 1-to-1 trainer and specialist study skills tutor (2004). He then went on to co-found the award-winning social enterprise, Diversity and Ability (DnA), based on a disabled-led model where support is delivered by end-users.  To date DnA has supported over 10,000 marginalised and neurodiverse individuals through (assistive) technology training, mentoring and strategy coaching.

DnA also works with organisations to implement inclusive practices that enhance the diversity of their workforce, inspiring culture shifts that boost productivity and retention. Recognising the importance of incubating diversity, DnA also works with marginalised long-term unemployed and homeless communities, as well as government agencies, charities, universities and think tanks.

DnA was nominated Social Enterprise of the Year in the 2012 Social Enterprise UK Awards and Atif was himself nominated as Social Entrepreneur of Excellence in 2012 in the National Diversity Awards.

Alongside this, Atif co-founded social enterprise, Zaytoun CiC, a Palestinian Fairtrade olive oil co-operative. Zaytoun CiC is built on the idea of economic support through ‘trade not aid’ and has facilitated marginalised farming communities based in Palestine/ Gaza to reach new trade markets beyond the West Bank. The story started with one village and ten farming families, and has grown to enable 25 villages and 6,000 farming families to create sustained meaningful livelihoods with dignity and independence. The ever increasing reach of Zaytoun has continued despite the testing nature of the Occupation, ongoing social upheaval, militarisation and land confiscation.

Zaytoun has won a number of awards from bodies including Social Enterprise UK, Fairtrade International, Ethical Consumer Best Buy, Soil Association, The Times Newspaper and many others.

Atif also served on the board of anti poverty charity, War on Want, and has been active in a number of high profile grassroots social development projects across the globe.

Follow Atif on Twitter! : @AtifChoudhury / @DnA_matters